
更新时间:2020-11-11 来源:百科大全 点击:



"seabed 20,000 miles" write in 1870, is verne famous trilogy second, first is "captain grant"s children", third is "mystical island".

this work narrates french biology scholar aaron to accept si in the sea deep place travel story. this matter occurs in 1866, at that time marine had discovered was concluded for unicorn"s big monster, he accepts the invitation participation to capture, in captures in the process to fall in the water unfortunately, qiu to on monster backactually this monster by no means any unicorn, but is a structure marvelous underwater ship. the underwater ship is captain nepal touches in the ocean on a desert island the secret construction, the hull is firm, use sea electricity generation. nepal touches captain to invite aaron to accept si to make the seabed travel。they embark from the pacific ocean, the process coral island, indian ocean, the red sea, mediterranean sea, enter atlantic, sees to in many rare sea vivid plants and the water strange picture, also experienced has reached a deadlock, the aborigine besieges, with the shark fight, iceberg feng road, the octopus attack and so on many dangerous situations. finally, when the underwater ship arrives the norwegian seacoast, aaron accepts si to leave without saying good-bye, knows him the seabed secret announcement in the world.

this work has concentrated verne science fiction all characteristics. winding tense, confusing plot, the fast changing character destiny, the rich exhaustive scientific knowledge and the detail lifelike wonderful fantasy melt in a stove. the author has a special inventive mind, the ingenious layout, in the long travel, thrusts from time to time the reader the dangerous environment which is surrounded by perils, from time to time takes into fills the rich in poetic and artistic flavor wonderful boundary; the mammoth scene description and enters the micro detail portray to appear in turn carefully. reads fascinatingly, wants to stop but cannot. in the verne work fantasy all take the science as the basis, in many works describes the science fantasized all can realize in today. more importantly in his work fantasy bold novel, and by its lifelike, vivid, the beautiful like picture makes one read the interest abundantly. his work plot thrilling winding, the character lifelike, the result is beyond expectation. all these enable his work to have the eternal charm.



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海,平静时,像一位温顺的孩子,每当在海水波光粼粼时,似一面镜子,又似在与广阔的天地微笑。而我们,正在风平浪静的水里玩耍,不时有几只海鸥飞来凑热闹。 以下是大海句子,希望大家能喜欢。1、我爱海,爱它那波句子大全

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