
更新时间:2020-11-09 来源:台词 点击:



"The Godfather" is a gangster capitalist society about the entire U.S. ground force systems dominate the control group the story of ups and downs in the story, is very vivid characterization.

Kao Liang hero and his son Michael foresight resilient, ultimately get rid of their mortal enemy of the family business to reach their peak, even though I disagree with their established set of so-called "underground order," but out on the characterization of the novel heart of the Kao Liang respect to his ground forces led by Kao Liang Group is mainly engaged in smuggling of imported olive oil from Italy, opening casinos and so on. His influence throughout the U.S. East and West throughout the crucial point in the various government departments have him. He resourceful and eager to protect and support the people reverently dubbed him "godfather." He is also responsive to the following, what it says, to win the people"s fear. Any thing, as long as he would secretly or openly a hand in the development and changes in accordance with his will. He is a true all-powerful figure in American society. In particular his position and his humility, combined with his attitude of doing things that really awesome cool. Is what he had done to his family business success.

Another novel depicts the hero Michael inherited his father"s right, he has amazing self-confidence, believe that their choice is the best, I believe that even if he is lying should be, and it is correct, so that people can hide themselves well evil, even if he were to die bad, people still admire him, and still think he is one of the best, he will not do evil things! Even Michael"s wife did not believe he would kill, but he did kill, and with his father"s carefully cultivated is certainly not live up. In our real life really is the most powerful and such a terrible person, with indomitable fighting spirit, a deep reservoir of hatred in their hearts, waiting for a suitable time to carry out long-planned program. Bear with the situation that only people can do great things, the novel his first wife for his death, even though he knows enemy"s hiding place, and the ability to kill him, but he always wait until the last of the large-scale attack on the time. He and his father are "good" men, at least in the kind of environment they are.

A lot of information that "" The Godfather "is a nature of American society, capitalist society, no fat, to avoid exposing the underground activities of work," I do not know the author of the novel there is no such meaning, at least I have not personally see his own evaluation of the novel is so, is not that they do not know the meaning out of nothing on the Flurry of a pass, even if the meaning of this true, that such a phenomenon reflected in the story in today"s China, there is no thing in it? Our country is not capitalist ah, the jungle, and certainly there. We all have to see the mainstream!

Reading this novel made me realize that "no matter what kind of society can survive in the competition who is strong, this world has no absolute good or bad, in different societies exist only two kinds of people is a good man in his own eyes, the eyes of the enemy is bad, because it had different interests, and conflict of interest, these things not only exist in a capitalist country, in any society there will be. "





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